Deco & mobile + DIY

Happy felt balls garland as table decoration, carnival garland, good mood maker. Knitting instructions, craft kits and much more.

Happy Felt Balls Garland and Craft Accessories from and for Felt


  • Baby Mobile

    Lovingly designed baby mobiles made from high-quality materials - SCHNUFFELINIS®

    Newborn babies can see from birth, but not particularly well, far or clearly. Babies train their vision daily - first by fixating and later by following with their gaze, so that they can see just as clearly as children and young people at around 12 months.

    To help them train their gaze in the first few weeks and months, they need strong contrasts such as with a Murani mobile. Gobbi felt ball mobiles bring great joy to babies and toddlers.

    Babies in the first 12 months, the most learning phase of their lives, need stimulation, variety and simple tools to encourage their development. 

    Homemade and ready-made mobiles are therefore a lovely gift for newborns, christenings and new parents. Mobiles can be offered anywhere in the child's environment. 

    To gently lull them to sleep, above the changing table, in the children's play area; felt ball mobiles move gently in the wind or with a short push and are often and gladly marvelled at..

    Have fun browsing!

  • Baby Mobile Hanger
  • DIY sets

    Whoop! Deco ideas with and around felt balls - What makes life more cheerful.

  • Girlanden basteln
  • Buttons

    Buttons, buttons and buttons :)

  • 3D

    Colourful letters, names lovingly designed -  SCHNUFFELINIS®

    When a room is decorated, a baby is born or a special gift is needed for a schoolchild, here you might find something very special.  

    3D designed letters, name trains, wall pictures or miniature ideas, which our chief designer creates with heart and soul, adapts to customer wishes and we then design with felt balls according to colour wishes & room colours.    

    Have fun browsing & giving them away!

  • Knitting Patterns

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